Build Better Resumes with AI

Transform your experience into powerful statements, get real-time improvement suggestions, and ensure ATS compatibility. Our AI resume builder helps you create a winning resume in minutes.

Editor Example JD

Step 1

Import or Start Fresh

Start with our free AI resume builder or import your existing PDF resume. Our advanced AI automatically extracts your experience, skills, and achievements. Create and save multiple versions to target different roles - making our online resume builder perfect for your job search.

Create Your Resume Now

Step 2

Build Your Professional Story

Use the best resume builder features to craft your career story. Easily capture your career journey with our intuitive editor - from work experience and skills to education and key achievements, everything in one place

Create Your Resume Now
Work Experience Editor

Step 3

Paste Job Details

Find your ideal position and let our AI resume builder optimize your application. Simply paste the job description for our tool to tailor your resume to match the role perfectly.

Create Your Resume Now
Add job description

Step 4

Let AI Do the Heavy Lifting

Experience the most advanced AI resume builder that optimizes your documents for ATS systems automatically. Watch as AI instantly optimizes relevant skills and keywords from the job description. Generate a matching resume from your cover letter, a cover letter from your resume, or both - turning hours of work into minutes

Create Your Resume Now
Add job description

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